Gambling Horror Stories

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Well, let's see, now. I live in UK/London. My gambling history goes back around6/7 years, now.
I'm a shy, private, reserved type of person. So, I would never have had enoughself-confidence to do gambling in full public view, on any regular basis.

I once, for example, tried going along to a London Ladbrokes Casino onTottingham Court Road...and, I felt so damn shy, competely embarassed(I alwayswanted to hide the shameful fact that I'm an addictive gambler from everybodyelse), self-concious...that I couldn't find enough inner courage to ask anystranger there, 'how do you play these games?' So, instead, I brought myself astiff order to find courage-but, still didn't find it...thus, I justwalked out...never to go back in there, again.

Thus, for me, gambling is something you do in secret behind closed doors, and,at home...well away from crowds of other people...where you are safe from beingrecognised as somebody who is really incredibly stupid...because, loosing moneythrough gambling -(especially, when you already poor)- always makes me feellike somebody who is a total damn fool! Feels like you are throwing the go feed the, already, rich bookies


For a couple of years I was a phone gambler. I used to make telephone betsthrough William Hills 0800 767 767. And, read off the bet stakes/results byjust watching the pages of TELETEXT TV.

My 1st bets were merely for £10.00 at a time...which was the minimum telephonebet allowed, at that particular time. Then, after loosing, again and again, Idecided to go chase my upping my stake bet to become £20.00/then,£40.00/-etc. Well, it wasn't before long I was making bets of £100/then, formultiple £100's...and, finally, £1000/and, multiple £1000's. My last big betwas for £5,000.00..which was my full credit card limit, at the time...and, itlost...which is when I decided to quit gambling.


All of this betting was done on credit, by the way...because, otherwise, Icould certainly never have afforded it. The result of all of this over-spendingis that I now owe the credit cards Barclaycard/Mastercard £10,000.00+!!! But,I'm unemployed, and, therefore, do have no real way of paying it back?!

The money grows interest everyday. At the end of the month I have to find, atleast, the minimum monthly re-payment of 5%...; or, otherwise, the credit cardcompanies are going to take me off to court. And, even if I pay back £200.00 onsay one card...well, £100.00 of that vanished as being merely just pureinterest, alone!!! So, that the priciple debt itself doesn't ever seem to bedecreasing/but, instead, is steadily increasing.

Then, of course, once I've paid this 5% money in to the credit cardcompanies...; the end result is, now, I'm left totally flat broke! So, I usethe credit card to take money back out, again-sometimes, to pay to do even moregambling with. Thus, the debt just stands there still...and, it feels like I'mjust going absolutely nowhere...which is most awfully damn depressing! Likewaking up everyday with this dark cloud over your head that will never ever goaway?!


Well, before I did telephone/tv gambling. Until I stopped...which was over 5years ago.

But, let me explain something...that even when a gambler isn't gambling...whichis, usually, when they don't have enough money left to gamble with?! Or, evenif they do deliberately try to control themselves...; then, this doesn't meanthey are not gambling...; even though they may not be gambling, physically,through outward show...; yet, in their mind's eye they are still gambling,constantly, non-stop, all the time. They wake up gambling...remain gamblingwhilst awake...and, then, go off to sleep gambling still...all in their mindseye.

For example, everytime I'm watching TV/or, listening to the radio, and,hear/see that my fav. football team/boxer/tennis player/snookerplayer/horse/dog trap/-etc. wins...then, I feel very sad, indeed, inside thatI, quite stupidly, LOST money...just because I didn't go bet to WIN!!!

So, I've learnt that addictions, really and truly, are for life...because, evenwhen you do stop on the are still going at it beneath the surfacelike crazy deep down inside of yourself. And, through recognising this constantalmost irresistable urge to gamble...that's how you know you are still agambler at heart...and, that none of the addiction inside you hasleft...instead, it's just lurking around there somewhere in the dark shadowybackground...patiently, waiting for the one single moment when you decide todrop down your guard...and, then, WHAM it HITS you...and, has come back, again.

During the period when I had stopped...I still did a few gambles...-(simply,couldn't resist having a little flutter, every now and then)-...but, no longerdid gambling take over my entire life excusively right from morning throughuntil night...I, occassionally, played the football pools/and, occassionally,the National Lottery, as well/and, maybe, just once or twice bet a small bet onthe football.


Well, I went to an online web site...

...and, there they allow you to gamble for FREE (up to 2 goes per day.../and, Iplay, everyday). The price being that you have to click on an advertisment tocomplete your play.

Well, I clicked on some gambling adverts...and, then, I felt tempted to go signup with those sites, recently.

I joined the web sites in order to discover what online gambling would be alike?Would it be fun/or, boring/and, of course, and, especially, would it beprofitable...easier to win?

Well, at first, I didn't do too very badly at it...; and, found I won...; but,then, gamblers have a tendency to get really greedy...never really knowing whento stop...and, therefore, quit whilst still in...take the money andRUN!!!

When a gambler decides to keep on gambling, constantly, non stop...then, that'swhen they pretty soon discover that in the long run the odds are stackedagainst you...and, so, the bookies are ultimately going to win every singletime. First, you discover you've lost all of your winnings...then, you startchasing after those losses...sooner or later, you find yourself loosing moreand more and more...and, that the more you try and chase after you losses bydoing some more gambling...the more and more you are going to loose on top ofit all.

Soooooooo deeply depressing, as well as, fustrating as sheer bitter hellis...trying to beat the bookies! And, having this eternal optimist dream thatjust won't stop...not even in the face of the reality...which is you are,constantly, just cannot seem to prevent yourself from thinking,ok, I lost this time...but, next time, I will WIN, for sure!!!

So, lately, I;ve found I'm getting involved more and more heavily in internetgambling...; and, I'm worried, because I want it to STOP before I'm go back tobeing where I was before...which was a guy with no life...but, just thisridiculous gambling addiction for 24/7.

Compulsive gambling horror stories

You see, yesterday, I lost around £60.00(told myself never, again!)...and,then, today, I woke up, and, lost a further £10.00...and, i'm unemployed andcan't afford to loose money in this really stupid way...the money that shouldbe used to pay all of my bills being wrongfully used to support mygambling play habits, instead.

I keep telling myself a lie, that I am in control...and, I will be able tocontrol it. That I'm far too logical, and, also, actutely aware of what mysituation is to let it go out of control. But, somewhere, I'm going to have towake up fast, and, just admit the real truth that I really can't handlegambling, atall. And, the best way to deal with just gamble inside ofmy own mind, if I must...but, don't do no real life gambling, as it's not evenworth the effort. Like throwing all of your money away right down the damndrain!

Gambling addiction always did make me feel most utterly miserable...when youloose -(which is far more often than not)- you go around with thisdepressed/defeated/hopeless mood...I don't want to go back there, again, at all.

Well, I've been to the online web site to help gamblers...
And, I'm also trying to phone them...but, unfortunately, they seem to beengaged, all the time...even though their phones are open from 10am - 10pm.
0845 6000 133
I've also tried speaking to the The Samaritans, as well.

Las Vegas Gambling Horror Stories

08457 90 90 90

I'm also thinking of going to see GA-Gamblers Anonymous. (I've already beenthere once, before...; but, as I said, I'm a private gambler who tends togamble, alone...; therefore, I didn't really enjoy getting involved with a hugecrowd of people, atall.)

I think, instead, I might have to try some sort of 1 to 1 counsellingservice...that is, if I'm ever going to talk about it face to face.

Also, at the end of the day, I honestly feel that nothing, and, nobody in thiswhole wide world can ever help you...if you are not 200% willing to helpyourself.

My real problem lies in being broke/unemployed/and, also, being unable to payoff all of my huge debts. That makes me want to find some way to solve thisfinancial sitauation...and, the only thing legal I can think of turning to...tosolve, possibly, gambling, alone?! Until that illusionary dream dies inme...then, I fear I will always remain a gambler for all the rest of my entirelife.

Bye4now!/BEST wishes, always!/-Paul(UK/London)

PS: Have a NICE day!


£5050: Amount spent on gambling each month by six out of 10 British adults.

350,000: Estimated number of British 'problem gamblers'.

33 per cent: Minimum estimated increase in calls to Gamblers Anonymous since the first National Lottery ticket was sold eight years ago.

£50516,439: Amount stolen from a sorting office safe by senior postmaster Dean Williams, 34, to fund his addiction for gambling on horse racing. He now faces up to nine years behind bars.

£5063.8bn: Total amount staked in all gambling activities, including the Lottery. (£5029.6bn is spent on ordinary betting at bookmakers and Tote.)

£5028m: Amount fed into fruit machines each day in Britain in 2001-02.

131: Number of registered casinos in the UK.

£505.37: Amount spent by average household on Lotto tickets each week.

Gambling Debt Horror Stories

13,980,000 to 1: Odds against picking all six Lotto numbers.

£503.5bn: Money exchanged in for gambling chips in British casinos last year.

£5044: Average amount spent by a punter during one visit to a UK casino.

£50350: Average amount lost in a visit to a Las Vegas casino.

£503m: Sum to be provided by the gambling industry each year to fund research and help for problem gamblers.

30,000: number of jobs that councillors in Blackpool, Lancashire, hoped would be created by transforming the seaside town casino resort.

699: licensed bingo clubs in UK.

The content of this site is copyright 2016 Financial Spread Betting Ltd. Please contact us if you wish to reproduce any of it.

By Leigh for Earshot

Updated September 04, 2017 16:45:46

I'm a gambling addict. Three years ago, I was convicted of white collar fraud, after I stole over $130,000 from my employer to fuel an insatiable addiction.

My poison of choice was not poker machines, but online gambling.

Racing, the thoroughbreds, the trots, the dogs — I wasn't fussy, so long as I could get a bet on and fuel that addiction.

The bets would range anywhere between $5,000 and $20,000 a day. I would bet until 3:00am, try to sleep for three hours and bet again for another three hours on online racing in the United States.

I always thought the stereotypical gambling addict was a working-class middle-aged man or woman, sitting at their local club, feeding their favourite pokies machine four or five nights a week.

But I rarely ventured into the local TAB.

Betting while the kids were in the bath

At the zenith of my addiction, I was married with two beautiful young children and working as a finance manager at a local council.

When I was with my family, I was physically there — but mentally, I was miles away, thinking about gambling: when I could next bet, where would the money come from, whether I could back a winner.

I thought about gambling 24/7. I placed bets at home, at work, the shops — basically everywhere and anywhere I could get reception on my phone.

I would be walking with the kids and our dog, yet I'd still be trying to place bets. I would even bet and watch the races on the phone while the kids were in the bath.

A knock at the door

I had been thinking about stealing to solve some of my debt problems for months, but I couldn't do it because I knew the consequences would be dire.

Then one evening, I had a visit from two large men with a baseball bat, strongly suggesting it would be in my best interests to repay a sizable debt that was due that week.

They punched me and threatened to use the baseball bat 'next time'.

I was left bruised and battered from their warning. It was a seriously scary moment; I still occasionally have flashbacks and it sends chills through my body.

That night, I made the decision to steal from work. I felt physically sick and fidgety; my mind wouldn't stop racing. I knew it was wrong, but I did it — knowing I could one day get caught.

The first time is without a doubt the hardest — but once you've done it, stealing becomes easier.

Listen to the program

Earshot meets Leigh, an online gambling addict.

I had nothing to lose. That's how I 'reasoned' it.

However, stealing became another problem to add to my list.

I was constantly worried about being caught. When someone knocked on my office door, when I got a phone call, when my boss called me to a meeting, I was never quite sure.

The fear was slowly killing me, but I couldn't confess, couldn't turn back. I was on a knife-edge with no solution, no way out.

It was a Monday morning when I was finally caught. I was called into the CEO's office and they presented me with the overwhelming evidence.

I was caught red-handed, but I still denied it. I knew my career was over and that jail was not far away.

But at that stage, I had a small sense of relief. No more looking over my back. The lying and deceitfulness could stop.

Gambling Horror Stories Reddit

On the inside

When I was caught and sentenced to jail, the gambling addicts I met in the prison system had similar stories to mine. They were middle-aged, smart, well-educated men from good upbringings, all addicts to racing and not the pokies — certainly not the stereotypical gambling addicts I had imagined.

My addiction cost me everything. I lost my job, all my material possessions including house, car, everything I owned.

But that pales into insignificance to the lost relationships.

Need help or support?

If gambling is affecting your health and you are feeling anxious or depressed, or if gambling is negatively impacting on your relationships, help and support are available.
  • Call Lifeline on 13 11 14

My marriage disintegrated, I lost access to my children, I don't talk to my family and I'm no longer on speaking terms with most of my friends. I don't blame them.

During my year in jail, I had enough time to reflect on all the damage it had caused and when I was to be released I knew I couldn't go back to that lifestyle.

You get far too much time to reflect in jail. I was constantly thinking about the kids, but I didn't decide to quit gambling because of them. The constant stress and 24/7 of thinking about gambling had destroyed me: physically, emotionally, and financially.

I knew if I didn't stop gambling it would kill me.

Get help before it's too late

I write this not because I find it a cathartic experience, but because I hope that it helps others to seek help before it's too late. Or for family and friends of addicts to intervene and offer support.

For people 'on the edge' or thinking about committing fraud, the solution is simple: get help.

Gambling horror stories reddit

Seek support before you hit rock bottom. The help that suited me the most was from my psychologist, one-on-one extended chats — but for others it may be Gamblers Anonymous.

Problem Gambling Horror Stories

For the family and friends of addicts: please don't give up on them, it's a horrendous disease and they need all the support you can give.

Casino Gambling Horror Stories

Life in 2017 is certainly not perfect, but it's a damn sight better than it has been.

Gambling Horror Stories

I've got regular access to my children, I'm rebuilding lost relationships, I've found some temporary work — and I haven't had a bet since 2014.

Topics:gambling, internet-culture, family-and-children, fraud-and-corporate-crime, law-crime-and-justice, australia

First posted September 04, 2017 12:14:41